Healthwatch Brighton and Hove helpline enquiries April to June 2022

This document provides a summary of the public enquiries we received between April to June 2022.

The Healthwatch Brighton and Hove helpline service helps people to access the right health or social care service or organisation for their needs. We also offer information if people want to share their experience or make a complaint. Two trained volunteers help to run the service.

We received a total number of 74 enquiries answered via our helpline April-June 2022.

We received enquiries from individuals as well as people acting on their behalf: 54 enquiries were from individuals, 13 from friends, family or carers, 2 from advocates and one from a health or social care professional (plus 4 ‘others’).

Read our report below to learn more about the types of enquiries we received, and how we helped.


Helpline enquiries April to June 2022

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