Cervical screening: leaflet for women considering screening

Leaflets being sent to all women invited for NHS cervical screening.
Cervical Cancer

This publication explains NHS cervical screening.

It includes information about:

  • who is eligible for screening
  • the cervical screening process
  • what screening looks for
  • primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing
  • what HPV is

Free printed copies of this leaflet are provided for national call and recall (the Cervical Screening Administration Service (CSAS)) to send to people with screening invitations. Screening services can view the full PDF of the printed leaflet on the APS online ordering portal, however printed copies are only available to CSAS.

Language translations are available in 10 languages to download and print as required. Updated HTML versions will be available in due course.

A simple animation showing screening tests offered to women throughout their lives, including cervical screening, is available: