Healthwatch Newsletter - March 2022

Welcome to our March 2022 Healthwatch newsletter. This includes information about our work, updates on health, social care and COVID-19.

Healthwatch newsletter, March 2022


Hello, welcome to our bulletin on health and social care and COVID-19. This is attached as a separate document for you to click on and download. 

We hope you are all keeping well.

This month:

- Have your say on mental health services in Brighton & Hove by completng our survey

- Read the latest updates from the "Your Care, Your Way" campaign by Healthwatch England

- We are looking for participants to take part in a research study for blood thinning decisions in older people.

- Read about the ‘Help Us, Help You’ cancer campaign: a new campaign launched by the NHS England and NHS Improvement to combat the fear of cancer

- Read the latest update on COVID-19 including Spring Boosters in Brighton and Hove.

Also within our bulletin you can read advice and information on health and social care. Read a range of articles including: Free Personal Health Coaching available within Brighton & Hove, Bowel Cancer Awareness Month- and many more.


March 2022 newsletter