October 2022

The Older Peoples Council AGM - 25th October 2022

Community events
Friends Meeting House
Tuesday 25th October, 2022 - 10:30 to 12:30

About this event

The Older Peoples Council AGM this will be on Tuesday 25th October at 10.30-12.30 at Friends Meeting House.

It is intended to get back to full functioning as a representative group for over 55’s in the City, linking in to other organisations representing this age group e.g. Pensioners’ Convention, housing groups, Age Concern etc.

The kinds of issues we have been involved in are: environment and outdoor spaces, healthcare, transport, community support and activity, communication, and other aspects of positive ageing.

We aim to listen to and represent the views of older people, challenge disadvantage, scrutinise policies and changes, and actively promote the needs of older people.

We seek to be a ‘critical friend’ to Council business.

We have invited Cllr John Allcock to the AGM  to address how the Council intends to support older people in the City with the cost of living crisis and related matters

Older Peoples' Council website


Contact details

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