Brighton & Hove Autism Strategy Survey

Brighton & Hove City Council want to find out how they can improve services for autistic people in the city.
Image of Brighton beach

The Autism Partnership Board have launched its autism consultation as part of its commitment to developing the city-wide Brighton & Hove Autism Strategy, which focuses on improving the lives of and celebrating the strengths of autistic people.

The Board is a joint partnership led by autistic people with the support of organisations including the NHS, police, Brighton & Hove City Council and voluntary and community sector organisations that work to improve the lives of autistic people across the city.

They are asking people to take part in a survey to help develop the Autism Strategy and would like to hear from people who live in Brighton and Hove and if they:

  • have an autism diagnosis
  • are on the waiting list for an autism assessment
  • self-identify as autistic
  • are a parent or unpaid carer of an autistic adult
  • staff who work with autistic people. This includes staff who work for mainstream and specialist services

You might fit into all of these categories. For example, you might be an autistic adult who also works with autistic people. You can complete the survey more than once based on your different experiences. For example, complete it once from the perspective of a professional and again from the perspective of an autistic person.

The survey will be open until 19 June 2023 and can be completed below:

Complete the Survey