1. Report -

    The notes from our board of governors development meeting on 14th April 2014.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Brighton and Hove decided to take a practical look at how GP surgeries were giving their out of hours information. On the back of the recommendations laid out in the report about urgent care in the city.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Brighton and Hove’s first Annual Report, for the period April 2013 to March 2014.
  4. Report -

    Healthwatch looked into this data that suggested people were being discharged in a rushed and in some cases incomplete manner from the Royal Sussex County Hospital
  5. Report -

    Over the last year we have heard talk of dissatisfaction and frustration about the local CAMHS service, therefore this led us to look into it in more detail
  6. Report -

    This was a follow up report to the report that was done last year regarding urgent care in the city
  7. Report -

    This report was part of a combination of six reports, by combining all six reports they will creat an overall report which will be shared with the council, looking at how people would like to spend their time in our local social care services.