1. News -

    The NHS formally announced their 10 year plan.
  2. Report -

    The experiences of older people being discharged from the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, from July to September 2018.
  3. News -

    Healthwatch have been busy as ever and here are some of the things we have been up to
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    Healthwatch England have been given £500,000 in relation to the NHS Long Term Plan, to promote engagement with the public, patients and NHS and Social Care staff.
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    As recent news stories have highlighted, the ability to access a GP varies widely across the country. In Swale in Kent there is only one GP for every 3,300 patients, while in Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire it is just under one for every 1,200.
  6. Report -

    Our latest Intelligence review of data and trends which selects the most pressing health issues in Brighton and Hove. These priorities will help inform our activities in the forthcoming months.
  7. Advice and Information -

    End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life. The guidance on the NHS website helps you know what to expect, how to plan ahead and how to manage your day to day decisions.
  8. Blog -

    "The project brings me into contact with a wide range of people who depend on their carers to bring support and stability to their lives. I enjoy this engagement with the community and it helps me to better appreciate the scale of the problem."
  9. Report -

    This year's Annual Report, showcasing the views of the people of Brighton & Hove, and the hard work of our volunteers, staff and board throughout the year.
  10. Report -

    Early in 2019 we visited twenty care homes across Brighton and Hove to assess the oral care of residents.
  11. News -

    In 2019 Healthwatch visited 20 care homes across Brighton and Hove. We spoke to care staff and to residents. We wanted to know how staff assessed residents for oral health.
  12. News -

    NHS 111 online allows patients to get urgent healthcare online. It also helps to manage increasing demand on 111 telephone services.