1. News -

    Now more than ever, looking after our own mental health, and loved ones, friends, neighbours and employees is so important. The theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is Kindness.
  2. News -

    Coronavirus (Covid-19): Information and advice on how to stay physically active indoors and how to look after your mental health
  3. Report -

    Our Annual Report for the period to March 2020, highlighting the work and achievements over the past year, which includes the impact Coronavirus and COVID-19 has had on our organisation.
  4. Report -

    Today we announce the publication of our review of all GP practices and surgeries across the City.
  5. News -

    We recently received the following from Healthwatch England. If you know anyone who might be interested please do let us know, we are happy to put people in touch with Healthwatch England. There would be no commitment or obligation
  6. Blog -

    "I am excited to be a part of new Young Healthwatch projects in the future and influencing decision-making, and making a difference for young people."
  7. Report -

    We have today released an interim report from the Healthwatch in Sussex public survey on digital consultations, combined with results from the Sussex CCG‘s survey on NHS communications with patients (where comparable questions were used).
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    Welcome to another Healthwatch Health, Social Care and COVID-19 Bulletin for the 2nd October 2020
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    Welcome to another Healthwatch Health, Social Care and COVID-19 Bulletin for the 16th October 2020
  10. Report -

    This report outlines conversations with a sample of people who completed the ‘Accessing health and care services: findings during the Coronavirus pandemic’ survey. The interviews provided opportunity for people to talk more about their experiences.
  11. News -

    Welcome to our last Healthwatch bulletin of 2020, providing you with updates on Health, Social Care, and COVID-19 (18h December 2020)