1. Report -

    Over the summer of 2019, Healthwatch Brighton & Hove conducted research to gain a better insight into information that is available to people who are looking to make a complaint, raise a concern or provide feedback about health & social care services
  2. Report -

    Our Annual Report for the period to March 2020, highlighting the work and achievements over the past year, which includes the impact Coronavirus and COVID-19 has had on our organisation.
  3. Report -

    Today we announce the publication of our review of all GP practices and surgeries across the City.
  4. News -

    Healthwatch has launched its patient survey on dental services. The survey is for people who used, or tried to use, any type of dental service after 25 March 2020 i.e. the date when routine dental services were forced to stop due to COVID-19
  5. News -

    Les discusses with Michelle as to why you should come and join the webinar on Tuesday 10th November.